Peter Milchov 5th December 2021 06:41:48 8

In place V2T walkthrough

The migration coordinator in NSX-T 3.1.1 offers now a modular migration, meaning there are multiple options to migrate your old NSX-V environment to NSX-T. Summarized the options are: In place migration - The migration is performed on the same hardware estate as the source environment. Lift and shift migration - You migrate from your current hardware estate (NSX-V) to new tins (NSX-T). Modular migration - there are multiple options to migrate DFW configuration only, or just the routing configuration. In this write up I am going to cover the In Place method.

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Peter Milchov 4th November 2021 21:11:58 6

Building up nested V2T demo environment - PART3: TrueNAS

I always knew doing a nested vSAN is not a good idea, and still tried it in this case, just to waste another 4 hours configuring it, fixing tons of issues and then clearing up after it. Don't get me wrong, vSAN is awesome, but not when it is running on a nested environment on top of another vSAN storage. This is how I came back to the good old FreeNAS, which much to my surprise is called now TrueNAS.

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Peter Milchov 6th October 2021 09:28:11 6

Building up nested V2T demo environment - PART2: pfSense

In the first part of these series, I described the overall design of the V2T.DEMO lab. In this one I covered the pfSense configuration, that is meant to provide the layer 3 services to my environment.

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Peter Milchov 14th September 2021 18:58:20 3

Building up nested V2T demo environment - PART1: Overview

I have been tasked to build up an internal nested demo environment, to be used to play out the different NSX-v to NSX-t migration scenarios and demonstrate the NSX-T Migration Coordinator capabilities in front of customers. I see that as a good opportunity to cover the full build in my blog.

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Peter Milchov 19th August 2021 16:42:52 994

Brief microsegmentation with NSX-T and vRealize Log Insight dashboards

In this article I am going to briefly cover a microsegmentation approach, using NSX-T and vRealize Log Insight. Be aware that is just a basic microsegmentation and it is meant to demonstrate the usability of Log Insight in helping you to build up an Infrastructure related rule base.

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